Here I want to share my experience about food and places in incredible Taiwan. Hope you enjoy it !!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Longshan Temple
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Taipei MRT
If you were in Taipei, you do not need to worry about the transportation! Why I say like that? It is because Taipei has a good transportation system which is Metropolitan Rapid Transit (MRT).
For me, MRT is very crucial especially as international students who do not have private transportation here. Taipei MRT is divided into 8 lines. You can reach all places in Taiwan with this transportation. (See Picture below)
The most importation station is Taipei Main Station (TMS). Besides there are a train station, bus station, high speed rail station; it is also the station that connect almost all lines. In other words, you need to go to TMS first to change train. Not only that, in TMS there also a lot of department store and shopping area. The famous electronic centre, NOVA, is also there. I can say that TMS is the most crowded and attractive station.
There are some points that I want to emphasize about the advantages of Taipei MRT :
1. It has 8 lines and cover all important places, such as hospital, department store or shopping area, university and school, and other tourist spots.
2. It saves your time. Taipei MRT always on time. Besides, you do not to wait too long to get the train. From my one-year experience here, I had only waited for 5 minutes for my longest waiting time!! The high speed of the train also saves your time in travelling.
3. It is so convenient. All stations are clean and completed with AC, toilet, LCD TV for waiting line, a lot of direction board, ticket machine, etc. Some stations also provide ATM and convenient store
4. It is safe. There are a lot of camera different angle of the station. So, you do not need to worry if you so late already.
5. The price fair is considered to be cheap. Although it is a little bit higher than bus, but it is more convenient, safety, and fast. There is also discount 50% for bus fare if you take a bus within one hour after you take MRT ( Note : with easy card only)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Liu He Night Market
The special thing of this night market is that there are so many seafood seller here. First is fried squid. Like you see in the picture, they sell only the tentacle. However, it is so BIG!!!
Second is roasted shrimp. Beside the size is big, they roast the shrimp alive…..
The other things that catch my eyes is the egg. I do not know what the name is. However, it is so big and inside there is some vegetable, egg, and some other ingredients. The taste is good. You need to try this one ~~^O^~~
Not only food, there are also fashion and accessories shop.
It was Saturday when I came there. So, definitely it is so crowded. There are also some tourists from Japan and they are interesting in buying some candies
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Ye Liu Geological Park

This place is made by nature. What I mean to say is all the rock there is naturally made because of the friction between the rock and the sea. The air there is humid, hot, salty, and sticky. It is similar when you go to the beach. However, the view is really great. So beautiful! Not only the sea but you can also see the mountain there.
The special thing that attracts tourists to come is the rocks’ shape. There is a rock that looks like a monkey, a bird head, Taiwan Island, and the most famous one: Queen’s head. Many people come just because of the queen head. Even you have to queue to take a picture with that special rock. Since we came there on weekend, we have to queue for a long time if we want to take picture with that rock. However, we decide not to queue. I feel a little bit regret actually. T_T
The size of the park is very big. It takes more than 2 hours to treasure it all. Outside the park there is a seafood market. Most of them sell dried fish or squid and the price is very cheap compare with Taipei. There are also many fresh seafood sellers, such as roast squid seller. I think it is very famous there because so many people sell roast squid. The squid size is also very big. You must try it if you go there ^o^V
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wine Frog in Xin Dian
Everyone knows that Taiwan is very famous with its food. One of the most popular eating restaurant in Taiwan is ALL YOU CAN EAT restaurant. There is a huge number of that restaurant in Taiwan and I think this kind of business is very good here. Maybe because of Taiwanese hobbies: eating!
Wine frog is one of ALL YOU CAN EAT restaurant in Xin Dian Taipei. Actually it is not only in Xian Dian. There are a lot of branch in all over Taiwan. The bigger version of Wine Frog called Water Frog. They serve the same kind of food with the same price. The only different is only the variety of food and the size of restaurant. In Taipei water Frog is located in Dan Shui. Since the distance from NTUST (place where I study now) to Danshui is quite far so we just decide to go Wine Frog in Xin Dian.
Wine frog is famous with its barbeque. However, they also serve steamboat, ice cream, Taiwan beer, and cooked dishes. They serve so many variety of food for barbeque and steam boat. From vegetable, meat, meatball, tofu, fish, chicken, etc. However, they focus on barbeque so that their steam boat bowl is not too big. But they also prepare a big bowl to boil your food.
When you come to the restaurant, they will prepare the coal for you and need time to make it on fire. So, it wise for you to eat the cooked one first (hahahaha). To make a delicious barbeque, you need to cover the meat with margarine and then mix it with onion and celery then roast it. To make it more delicious, you can eat it with their sauce. They provide a lot of sauce there. You can just choose it.
Taiwanese people like to drink beer when eating. SO they also provide ALL YOU CAN DRINK beer with only adding NTD 100. For the food itself, it costs NTD 300 exclude the coal. The coal itself cost for NTD 100 per table (4-6 people).
For desert, you can eat ice cream, toast, salad or fruit. All of them is very good! So, before you come to this restaurant, you need to prepare your stomach in empty condition. ^o^V
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Anping Tree House

What is Anping Tree House and why it is called as Tree house? As I heard from my friend in Tainan, the house is really old (about 100 years) and the tree around the house covered the whole house and become united. Actually, I do not really know about the story but the most important is the special view inside the house.
Frankly speaking, it is a little bit scary there. You can imagine if your house is covered by trees, it is very scary right? The entire house wall is covered by the tree stem, root and branches. You can look at the picture for clear. The special spot is the door which really short with a plant grew in the middle of it.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Taichung Rice Cake (米糕)
This summer vacation (July-August 2010), I with two of my friends have an internship in Taichung, particularly in KFAS (Knowledge For Automobile Solution) company.
We went to Taichung from Taipei at 11:30 and arrived at 13:30. Right after we arrived the first thing we should do is to visit the company and of course clean the house where I will stay for two months. We finished clean the house at about 18:00 and what we felt after that hard work is hungry and thirsty. Really hungry and thirsty!!!!! It is because we have not had lunch before. Moreover the weather is really hot and we only have limited water to drink.
So, right after finished clean the house we went to eat. The head of the company brought us to try the famous traditional food in Taichung. He said that we have to eat this here. Because we are really hungry at that time, so we just order that food without thinking. We also order 干面(dry noodle) with soup. So we really ate a lot at that time. Hahahahaha…
米糕 or rice cake is a kind of glutinous rice with pork slice and special sauce complete mint leaves. It is similar with rice dumpling (粽子). The taste is very delicious and the price is really cheap (only NTD20-25). This food is really famous in Taichung. You can find easily here. And if you compare the food price in Taichung with Taipei, it is much cheaper in Taichung.
The dry noodle is also very delicious. As you see in the picture it contains pork slice, bean sprout and special sauce. The portion is very big and once again it is very cheap (only 25 NTD/bowl). People in Taichung like to eat dry noodle with soup. For me, I like to eat this with wonton soup. Slluurrrrppphhh!!
So, if you come to Taichung, do not forget to try米糕 or rice cake !!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
上個周末﹐ 我跟台科大外國學生去旅行。我們先去雙溪再去平林然後去深坑。这个是我第二次去深坑。深坑離台科大有一點兒遠。要是從公館坐公車的話要一半小時就到了。
深坑 最有名是他的豆腐。什麼菜都用豆腐做的。 有臭豆腐﹐豆腐餅﹐ 豆腐冰淇淋﹐還有很多菜用豆腐做的。我的朋友給我介紹一個最有名的臭豆腐店。他說我一定要試試看。我要先排隊十分鐘再可以買。他的臭豆腐店很特別﹐口味很重。可是很好吃。其实我不喜歡吃臭豆腐可是他們的臭豆腐我非常喜歡。味道不臭﹐里面有麻辣高麗菜。
吃了臭豆腐以後﹐我們再吃飯。因為我不可以看中文﹐我的台灣朋友替我點菜。我什麼中國菜都吃所以他們點的菜我都喜歡。雖然我們是外籍生 我們習慣用筷子吃飯了。
吃飯了以後我們再吃豆腐冰淇淋。豆腐冰淇淋真的非常特別。在印尼沒有這樣的冰淇淋。我吃國了绿茶和巧克力的口味。我覺的绿茶一點兒都不好吃。巧克力比較好。那一天大家吃了太飽﹐ 對身體不健康。下一次要少吃一點兒。
Cijin Island

The most beautiful and crowded spot there is Cijin beach. It has beautiful view. SO many people come there to enjoy the view and eat seafood. Cijin is very famous with its seafood, like roasted squid.

It is also famous with its big size ice. As you see in the picture, the ice is consisting of much different kind of fruit and the size is enough for 10 people. Since there are only two of us of course our stomach is not that big to eat it all. However, next time I should eat it.^_^v
Sunday, June 27, 2010
十分 water fall
This place has a great view and also fresh air. A lot of Taiwanese and tourist came here to spent their weekend. So, it is crowded there when weekend.
They usually come here for picnic with their family. They prepare the food and all the stuff and then go there to chat and enjoy the view. Not only that, you can also do fishing there.
In the top of the mountain, you can see 18 monks statue and a big Rulai Buddhas. And what interesting is that many people put coins in the statue. I don't know what is the meaning but I did it also.
To get in to this place you need to pay around 70 NTD ( if I am not wrong ^__^V). And there is a discount for student and a group of 20.
I give this 3 out of 5 star. Not bad but maybe more suitable that you prepare picnic stuffs first before go there with family or friends.